About Spare On Air

With the expected doubling in aviation traffic in the next 20 years and the subsequent expansion of the global fleet, the growth in demand for second-hand commercial aircraft spare parts will continue to increase consistently over the next several years. In this scenario Spare On Air is the first and only company being created exclusively to stimulate the aftermarket of used spare parts and to further promote environmental responsible recycling practices of aircraft components.

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Our Focus

Spare On Air is primarily dedicated to operate at the end-of-life stage of the aircraft cycle and is concentrated in three main aspects

Facilitate the transaction of used spare parts; support airlines and leasing companies to deal with industry cycles and finally; promote and encourage environmental responsible aircraft recycling practices.

Airbus and Boeing predict that 12 000 to 13 000 aircraft will be replaced in the next 20 yearsand considering that the majority of the fleet currently in operation is composed by narrowbodies we specialize ourselves on the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 families.

Our Services

Online Inventory

An online platform exclusively dedicated to facilitate the trading of second hand commercial aircraft spare parts was created allowing access primarily for A320 and 737 families spare parts

Create an account today totally free of charge and search for thousands of parts worldwide, request for quotation and contact vendors directly. Looking to sell parts instead? Simply upload your inventory online and make your inventory available to potential clients all across the world.


To gain more visibility and to make your spare parts and company standout from the completion contact us for specially designed advertising solutions. These include, email advertising, product highlight, dedicated advertising online spaces, amongst others.